Taking Stock — An Important Update

Saying goodbye to our daily meals and… what’s next.

My default setting is “Yes!”, which means that I enthusiastically go charging into new projects. This is one of the many reasons why Dish is never a boring place to work!

It also means that every once in a while we need to take stock of the new place in which we find ourselves. Then we either proceed as before, or shift direction. In the past, we’ve temporarily paused the daily meals menu at certain times of the year. Regretfully, this moment of taking stock is time to change a “Yes!” into “How else can I find a way to help you?” and to bring an end to our weekly menu offer.

As always, our online shop is just a small part of what we do. Just because it’s not on our website, doesn’t mean it’s not available. Whether it’s book club or family dinner, please contact us for a meal delivery that will make hosting easy.

We remain on the path of making it super convenient for you to serve food for gatherings of all sizes. There are three ways our online shop will be doing that (for now):
• Canapé Sets
• Freezer Meals
• Desserts & Cakes

And watch this space for our annual Christmas Box offer, as well as a few more surprises!

The entire Dish team and I are so very grateful to everyone who has supported our “Yes!” and been patient with the shifts in direction. Thank you!

Here’s to many more delicious meals!
With love,

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